Global Coconesia

Global Coconesia

Telepon: 0766 2665257

Email Bisnis


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Global Coconesia
Categories: Unknown

Key rincian kontak untuk Global Coconesia
0766 2665257
Email Bisnis
Jam buka
Senin - Kamis: 08:00 - 20:00
Jum'at: 08:00 - 23:30
Sabtu: Tutup
Minggu: 08:00 - 22:00
CV. Lima Garuda Berkarya, Sidoarjo, 61263

0 Customer Review
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Bisnis profil yang baru

Global Coconesia is one of the top leading company producing raw coconut products in Indonesia. Our coconut products come from Indonesia which is the best coconut center in the world. We are focusing on produce coconut derivative products in any type and grade depends on our costumers needs and requests.

  • Bisnis profil yang baru

    Global Coconesia is one of the top leading company producing raw coconut products in Indonesia. Our coconut products come from Indonesia which is the best coconut center in the world. We are focusing on produce coconut derivative products in any type and grade depends on our costumers needs and requests.