KSB Indonesia Sangatta Service Point
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KSB Indonesia Sangatta Service Point
Categories: Electrical Products & Services, Services & Supplies
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+62 853...
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- www.ksb.com/en-id
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- Senin - Jum'at: 08:00 - 17:00
Sabtu - Minggu: Tutup - Alamat
- Jl. Soekarno-Hatta RT 25, Kutai Timur Kalimantan Timur, 75681
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KSB is one of the world's leading suppliers of pumps and valves as well as comprehensive services, constantly improving the hydraulic components of its pumps and valves - for low life cycle cost and optimum performance including digitalization which brings innovations promising better efficiency and lower operating costs.
Since 1993, KSB plays a major role in Indonesia by providing products and services to multiple local industries. Supported by 1 factory, 9 branches, 10 sales offices, 3 service workshops, 1 service point, and associated partners, committed to ensuring customer satisfaction, as well as continually aiming for sustainable growth and development.
Our reliable, high-efficiency pumps and valves are used in applications covering everything from building services, general industry, and water transport to wastewater treatment, chemical/petrochemical, power plant processes, and mining.
- Deskripsi
Bisnis profil yang baru
KSB is one of the world's leading suppliers of pumps and valves as well as comprehensive services, constantly improving the hydraulic components of its pumps and valves - for low life cycle cost and optimum performance including digitalization which brings innovations promising better efficiency and lower operating costs.
Since 1993, KSB plays a major role in Indonesia by providing products and services to multiple local industries. Supported by 1 factory, 9 branches, 10 sales offices, 3 service workshops, 1 service point, and associated partners, committed to ensuring customer satisfaction, as well as continually aiming for sustainable growth and development.
Our reliable, high-efficiency pumps and valves are used in applications covering everything from building services, general industry, and water transport to wastewater treatment, chemical/petrochemical, power plant processes, and mining.
KSB Indonesia Sangatta Service Point's Keywords
Pumps | Valves | Pompa | Katup | Service
KSB Indonesia Sangatta Service Point’s Brands
Pumps | Service | Valves
KSB Indonesia Sangatta Service Point’s Services
KSB Service Center
KSB Indonesia Sangatta Service Point’s Languages
English | Indonesian
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