FedEx Station

FedEx Station


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FedEx Station
Categories: Mail & Delivery Services, Shopping Services & Supplies

Buka Akun FedEx Sekarang!

Key rincian kontak untuk FedEx Station
Jam buka
Senin - Jum'at: 08:30 - 17:30
Sabtu: 08:30 - 13:30
Minggu: Tutup
Jl Syarifuddin Yoes entra Bizpark 2 Blok BRM No 11, Balikpapan, 76115

Mail & Delivery Services

Shopping Services & Supplies

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Bisnis profil yang baru

FedEx is always nearby, providing convenient drop-off locations that will save your time and money. Look for the purple and orange in metropolitan business districts, airports and busy thoroughfares. FedEx World Service Centers are staffed by experienced customer service professionals. And you can also drop off your packages at the service counters of our stations or drop boxes at your convenience.

  • Bisnis profil yang baru

    FedEx is always nearby, providing convenient drop-off locations that will save your time and money. Look for the purple and orange in metropolitan business districts, airports and busy thoroughfares. FedEx World Service Centers are staffed by experienced customer service professionals. And you can also drop off your packages at the service counters of our stations or drop boxes at your convenience.

FedEx Station's Keywords

Mail & Delivery Services | Shopping Services & Supplies
