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King Nest
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Sarang Walet

Golden Nest

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King's Nest is a bird's nest processor and exporter which is located in the East Java - Indonesia. Started in 1995 as a bird’s nest processor and in 1996 as an exporter, King’s Nest currently exports to various destinations such as Singapore, Hong Kong, China and the United States. King’s Nest provides a complete range of bird’s nest product from Indonesia at the highest quality. We ship all year round to almost all destinations in the world. We try our best to provide the best product and delivery service to our customers

  • Bisnis profil yang baru

    King's Nest is a bird's nest processor and exporter which is located in the East Java - Indonesia. Started in 1995 as a bird’s nest processor and in 1996 as an exporter, King’s Nest currently exports to various destinations such as Singapore, Hong Kong, China and the United States. King’s Nest provides a complete range of bird’s nest product from Indonesia at the highest quality. We ship all year round to almost all destinations in the world. We try our best to provide the best product and delivery service to our customers

King Nest's Keywords

Sarang Walet | Golden Nest