Tilapia Leather
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Tilapia Leather
Categories: Unknown
- Telepon
- 0626 16840962
- Email Bisnis
- Situs
- www.tilapialeather.com
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0 Customer Review
Tulis review andaPT. Tilapia Leather Art is a specialized tannery offering high quality Tilapia Fish Leather processed from the skins of a fresh water fish called Tilapia Nilotica. Tilapia are originally from Africa, but for many years they have been farmed in several tropical countries. Our fish skins comes from the largest Tilapia farm in Indonesia. The fish are raised in selected lakes and spring waters of Java and North Sumatra, with superior water quality and ecologically friendly conditions of paramount importance. As the skins are by products from fish processing they are an environmentally sound raw material with many applications
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Bisnis profil yang baru
PT. Tilapia Leather Art is a specialized tannery offering high quality Tilapia Fish Leather processed from the skins of a fresh water fish called Tilapia Nilotica. Tilapia are originally from Africa, but for many years they have been farmed in several tropical countries. Our fish skins comes from the largest Tilapia farm in Indonesia. The fish are raised in selected lakes and spring waters of Java and North Sumatra, with superior water quality and ecologically friendly conditions of paramount importance. As the skins are by products from fish processing they are an environmentally sound raw material with many applications
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